Swim When You are Winning


My return to the pool a few months ago marked a significant personal journey. After a prolonged period of inactivity, I made a conscious decision to prioritize my well-being. This country inspired me to connect with myself, and I’m proud to say I’m doing it.

Last weekend was the National Master Championship. The last time I participated in a competition was an amateur inter-club championship over twelve years ago. I got some great placements and was able to contribute some points to my team’s final score, and I’m happy with it.

Choco de Vivanco | Photo By Federación Deportiva Peruana de Natación

Amidst the intense competition, a moment of unity and shared celebration emerged. The announcement of a new world record being set by María del Rosario ‘Choco’ de Vivanco in the 50-meter freestyle category brought the entire stadium to its feet. Swimmers, officials, and spectators alike, we all cheered not for a club or an individual, but for the country.

That made me realize one more time that Peruvians are so proud of what they do: sports, food, macchu pichu, ceviche, and pisco, and we, as ex-pats living in Peru, can enjoy what this wonderful country has to offer.

Swimming takes time, it takes looking inside and being with yourself. It requires to be able to look inside and be better one day at the time.

This is a new record for her, and it’s a brand new website for us; it took us a year to re-design it, to organize and better show you the Best Peruvian Experience, please come along with us.

Daniel Quintero

Editor in Chief

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