

Tamarind Fruit: A Natural Remedy For Fatty Liver and Other Benefits

In addition to its great taste, tamarind is also excellent for your health. These are the benefits of tamarind plus a recipe for tamarind tea.

Camu Camu Benefits and Smoothie Recipe

Grown in the Amazon rainforest, camu camu is considered a Peruvian superfruit—and tastes amazing in a smoothie. Read up on camu camu benefits.

The Powerful Benefits of Purple Corn

A staple in the Incan civilization, purple corn almost became a lost crop, but luckily purple corn is still grown in Peru. These are its benefits.

Government Focus on Health Care for All Peruvians in 2020

President Martin Vizcarra reiterated the government's focus for 2020 is to provide health care access for all Peruvians nationally.

DB Peru: Making a Difference Through Healthcare and Education

The not for profit foundation DB Peru provides sustainable healthcare to families in 30 communities across Peru's northern Amazon.

These are the Medicinal Cannabis Companies in Peru

Both local and foreign businesses are eager to grow the medicinal cannabis business in Peru, though there are regulations still pending.

Peru Health Label Wins at United Nations

The UN recognized Peru's use of the mandatory health label in the black octagonal shape, which helps prevent non-communicable diseases.

The 7 Benefits of Cacao You Need to Know

Beyond the figures and the pomp, the health benefits of cacao cannot be overlooked. Below just a few reasons why you should include cacao in your diet.