
flora and fauna

A Rare Species: Have You Heard of the San Lucas Marsupial Frog

Though it is not at risk of extinction, this is a rare species due to habitat loss and pollution. Like all members of the...

Birds of Peru: Have You Spotted the Scarlet-Bellied Mountain Tanager?

If you keep your ears open and your eyes to the sky, you might spot the Scarlet-Bellied Mountain Tanager, a brightly colored bird, in...

Plants of the Peruvian Jungle: Have You Tried the Aguaje?

The aguaje tree grows abundantly in the Peruvian jungle and is known for its brightly colored egg-shaped fruits which are used to make juices...

Making a Stroll through the Iquitos Zoo (Photo Essay)

Many visitors are unaware that Iquitos has a fairly large zoo that is home to many different types of jungle animals. Here are some...

Birds of Peru: The Hooded mountain toucan

Though the Toucan is most known as a creature of the jungles, this unique and colorful species inhabits high Andean landscapes. Have you spotted...

An Important Jungle Fish: Meet the Paco

This large fish is a popular menu item at restaurants across the jungles of Peru. It is able to thrive in conditions where other...

Plants of Peru: Have You Tried the Capuli?

These small and tart fruits grow in abundance across the Andes. When the fruits are in season, you're bound to find them at any...

Animals of Peru: Meet the Tapir

This large animal, commonly referred to as the sachavaca, the wild cow, roams in isolated jungle regions. Due to overhunting, their populations are quickly...