Only 22,000 Jaguars Remain In Peru


Peru is the second country with the largest number of jaguars in South America, after Brazil, according to a study by the NGO Panthera. However, there are only 22,000 of them, which is about half of the number of jaguars that there should be in the Peruvian jungle.

“According to the data revealed by Jaguar Connection, the corporate sustainability program of the high voltage energy transport company ISA, the main reason for the low number of these big cats is indiscriminate hunting and the mafia that exists around the sale of skins, fangs and other parts of this animal”, Perú 21 said.

This situation has caused only 173,000 jaguars to remain in freedom in America, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

“In some areas of the Peruvian jungle, these animals are sold on the black market”, Perú 21 said, adding that only last year the State began to take measures to counteract the situation, an action requested by CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).


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